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07/15/19 10:41 PM #4169    


Bruce Fette

So many topics.

I cant say anything about Rick's son. I didnt have the opportunity to meet him. But I completely agree that 20 years old is way too young.  

I did have the wonderful opportunity to visit Germany many years ago. The trip included visits to crazy Ludwig's castles, and to the German fields where they grow hops and brew one of their very popular beers for Octoberfest. Sorry I cant remember the name. Sorry, I did not have the opportunnity to visit Czech Republic. But my son's girlfriend is there right now. Who knows, she may have opportunity to bring some back.

But my real reason for weighing in tonight is to recognize that this Tuesday, 50 years ago, is the day that the massive rocket design by Werner Von Braun's team and 400,000 US systems developers blasted off to take the Appllo team to the moon. An of course, this Saturday is the 50 year anniversary of the landing there.

I dont know about anyone else, but while I was working at Texas Instruments (TI) in Dallas,one of my UC college chums was working at NASA Huston (and continued for another 35 years). Perhaps many others have friends and relatives who worked on Apollo, or worked directly on it themselves. My closest connection is that my Dad was an engineer working on the moon buggy, in Ann Arbor Michigan, and he has a home movie of him with an astronaut.

So with that intro, Phil, please add some historical perspectives.





07/15/19 11:32 PM #4170    


Ann Shepard (Rueve)

I just learned of Duke’s passing this morning in an email from Laura Pease. I was able to attend the visitation and spoke with Corky, Ace, Jan, Duke’s mother, and the rest of the family. His death was sudden, last Thursday.   Gail was in town, staying at Rose Hill, but I didn’t get a chance to see her. 

The link:

I also just learned of Birdie Johnson McIntosh’s passing on July 6. This is the link:


07/16/19 01:31 AM #4171    


Philip Spiess

Of course, we are all now at our "End Times" -- not approaching our "End Times," but at our "End Times" -- and thus it is precious for us to be able to share our reminiscences, memories, and the good times we have had, or are still having, together.  (But to die at 20 is too young, a tragedy.)

To speak of Prague is to bring forth a legend from the heritage of my many Jewish friends, namely, the legend of The Golem of Prague.  The Golem, a creature created from mud and which (in most legends) cannot speak, has been a part of Jewish legend since at least the 12th century (Adam, according to one legend, was at first a Golem, as he was created from the earth, or mud).  But the most famous Golem is that of Prague, created by Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel in the late 16th century to protect the Prague ghetto from the rapacious attacks of its enemies.  After a number of exploits, Rabbi Loew had to remove the Golem's life-force when it started running amuck.  It was supposedly buried in the attic of the Old New Synagogue in Prague; the Nazis actually went looking for it there during World War II, but they found nothing (a legend, however, says that the Nazi who went into the attic was struck dead).  Many stories have been written about this Golem; perhaps the most renowned is Gustav Meyrink's Der Golem (The Golem, 1914; reprinted by Dover Publications in Two German Supernatural Novels). A notable German silent expressionistic film was also made of The Golem:  How He Came Into the World, by Paul Wegener in 1920; it is still available on CD.  The cities of Chelm and Vilna were also known to have Golems.  [Is it a stretch to suggest that the Gollum in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings cycle had its origin in the Jewish Golem?]

Bruce:  My own story of the moon landing is rather minimal.  However, you want context?  Supposedly Cyrano de Bergerac made a voyage to the moon in the 17th century (it's written up in the literature of the period); then there was Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon (1865), wherein members of the "Baltimore Gun Club" fire a passenger rocket at the moon.  It was made (Nelson Abanto, take note!) into an opera by Offenbach (1875), and made into one of the first silent movies by the Frenchman, Georges Melies, as A Trip to the Moon (1902); this is available on CD (I showed it to my Middle Schoolers when lecturing on the history of cinema).  H. G. Wells also wrote an early science-fiction novel on the subject, The First Men in the Moon (1901).

But these are not my story.  On the night that our astronauts landed on the moon in 1969, I was ushering at the Cincinnati Opera, which was then still located in the Cincinnati Zoo (how that came about is another story, which I'll relate at another time).  I believe the opera was Donizetti's The Daughter of the Regiment, starring the soprano Mary Costa (Jon Marks, I think you and I have discussed this before).  When she came to the line, spoken to the tenor who would become her lover, "You don't impress me like those soldiers do!", she interpolated "You don't impress me like those astronauts do!" -- and the audience went wild!  The Zoo had set out numerous television sets around the beer-selling stands surrounding the Opera Pavilion, and we all went through an extended intermission, drinking beer and watching Neil Armstong land on the moon.  It was pretty exhilarating.  (I also know a hilarious dirty joke about the moon landing, told to me by Jeff Rosen, but I will only transmit it to you in private.)

I still find it astounding that, around 1890, H. G. Wells predicted that man would land on the moon by the year 5000; however, my grandmother, born in 1900, lived through the Wright Brothers' first manned aerial flight in 1903 -- and only 66 years later, i.e., 1969, while she was still living, a man landed on the moon!

07/16/19 03:59 AM #4172    


Jerry Ochs

Bruce et al.,

JFK was murdered in 1963, Malcolm X in 1965, both MLK Jr. and RFK in 1968.  I was about ready to give up on the human race when Apollo 11 lit up my world again.

07/16/19 04:56 AM #4173    


Paul Simons

Brief musical interlude

07/16/19 07:19 AM #4174    


Chuck Cole

Remembering the moon landing--my wife (Liz Ryan Cole, whom some of you met at the last reunion) and I got married June 15, 1969 (we both attended Oberlin College).  We decided to head to the Canadian Rockies on a camping honeymoon and planned our trip so that we would be in Lethbridge, Alberta on July 20--our last night without television for a week or so.  I also remember watching some early manned-spacecraft launches on televisiion on Stanley Leed's classroom.  And I have a vague memory of being in the rocket club at WHHS in 7th grade.  Bruce--were you also a member of that club?

About Prague--when my neice was married in Berlin about ten years ago, we decided to spend a few days in Prague before the wedding.  My great-grandmother's grandfather had left Prague for the US during the 1850s and ended up arriving in Los Angeles in the early 1860s.  Their family name was Praeger (which means belonging to Prague).  I have rarely been moved as deeply as I was by our time at the Jewish Cemetery and the Jewish Museum in Prague.  On the walls of the museum are the names and years of life of all the Jews from Prague known to have been killed during the Holocaust, more than 70,000.  Particularly striking was to see how clearly even babies were put to death. 

07/16/19 03:44 PM #4175    


Steven Levinson

Laura Nyro wrote, "And when I die, and when I'm gone, there'll be one child born in the world to carry on."  My brother Peter died on June 17, 1968, three weeks short of his seventeenth birthday.  Duke Steiner was born on June 17, 1999.  So it goes.

07/16/19 07:40 PM #4176    


Jerry Ochs

I follow a Twitter account called Auschwitz Memorial.  This is a typical post: "10-12 July 1944 | After selections made by SS authorities at the liquidated BIIb sector of Auschwitz II-Birkenau (a family camp for Jews deported from Theresienstadt ghetto) ca. 3,000 people were transferred to other camps & the remaining ca. 7,000 were killed in gas chambers."    In Prague's New Jewish Cemetery I was bawling like a baby by the time I reached Kafka's grave after reading each memorial plaque on the cemetery wall.  There was one for the Lederer family and I thought of our kind and gentle Al.  Some were devoted to professions, such as music or cinema.  It was murder after murder on an industrial scale.

07/17/19 10:27 AM #4177    


Judy Holtzer (Knopf)

Dear Jerry:

This world needs more souls like yours.




07/18/19 06:30 AM #4178    


Jerry Ochs

Judy: Thank you for the compliment but I'm no angel. devil

07/18/19 12:57 PM #4179    


Stephen (Steve) Dixon

Re: Jerry Ochs "Thank you for the compliment but I'm no angel."

Sometimes, we are not our own best judge.

07/19/19 07:10 AM #4180    


Jerry Ochs

On a lighter note:

I remember the day I saw a photographer get crushed by a huge block of cheese.
We all tried to warn him.

07/20/19 12:43 PM #4181    


Judy Holtzer (Knopf)

Forgive me for writing this question that is not related to our class or Walnut Hills. I am very upset and both my brother and I are very far away.

We got an email from a cousin that our father's headstone was "damaged", but his pictures show that it is knocked over. Toppled. Completely. When I saw it, I gasped in shock and tears came to my eyes. My brother knows the new owners of Weil's and will talk with them.

I'm writing to ask if anyone has heard of such a thing happening elsewhere in Judah Torah Cemetery, or any of the other Jewish cemeteries in Cincinnati? I simply cannot, can not, imagine antisemitic  vandalism on this level in Cincinnati!

07/20/19 07:50 PM #4182    


Paul Simons

Judy - this is about a similar event that took place here in Philadelphia, about a month after the most recent Presidential inauguration. This was before the "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia at which nazis marched and chanted "Jews will not replace us" and one of them drove his car into a group protesting them, injuring many and killing one. And that was before another nazi gunned down 11 worshippers at the Tree Of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. Obviously it's no good pretnding nothing's wrong here. Jews have reason to be very concerned.

You will probably need to copy and paste this link into your browser's URL bar:


07/21/19 01:51 AM #4183    


Jerry Ochs

A fish rots from the head.  When the leader of a country calls human beings vermin or cockroaches or disgusting animals, we should all grow very concerned.  Words can kill.

07/21/19 06:53 AM #4184    


Paul Simons

   Good point Jerry. I don't think anyone could attend and graduate from Walnut Hills without picking up enough humanism to feel that something's wrong these days. I was explaining the city-wide draw of WHHS to someone from a small town that had just one high school and a mostly homogeneous demographic. Talking about it made me realize we were lucky to start from a heterogeneous, multicultural place, before the concept became an issue in the media. But I think high schools in general including WHHS failed to teach the magnitude and importance of our history of enslavement, bigotry, inequality, and injustice. And so individuals don't have the understanding of the country and of themselves now to recognize that those qualities are ascendant again, on an industrial scale. Literally, industrial - propelled by a media empire and the most powerful economic entities on this planet. 

Like you say Jerry- it's absolutely a threat to everyone. Martin Niemoller's quote applies. If you read the linked article you might see the importance of taking action while there is still time.

"First they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out—

         because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
         because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
         because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

FYI - Niemoller was no saint. He supported and voted for Hitler, not turning away until very late in the game. This link is about his life but it also details the incremental  rise of the most destructive regime in all of human history

07/22/19 09:17 AM #4185    


Judy Holtzer (Knopf)

Re my father's gravestone being found toppled over: 

My brother contacted Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati, which investigated. They were pretty definite that this was NOT vandalism!

The Hirsch Cemetery is built on hilly land. So, in time, the base of the monument slanted one way or the other, which weakened the apoxy/sealant used to attach the tablet/top part to the base/bottom, and ithe top just broke off. My father's monument was not attached top to base by rebar, which would have made it more like one piece.

The Jewish Cemeteries people are kindly seeing to the work order to repair our father's gravestone. 

By the way, burial lots and everything on them can be insured, something I did not think of at all.


07/23/19 10:21 AM #4186    


Jerry Ochs

Judy: You might say we made a mountain out of a mohel.

07/24/19 08:32 AM #4187    


Judy Holtzer (Knopf)

Billy Crystal's explanation for his chronic insomnia:

“It actually started back when I was born.  First seven days, perfect.  I was doing great, sleeping in, clocking twenty hours a night.  Then day 8, they woke me up and somebody with a black hat and a beard cut off the tip of my penis.  I’ve been up ever since.”

07/24/19 07:13 PM #4188    


Jerry Ochs

With a tip of the hat to Leo Rosten:

A man passed a store window with nothing in it but a clock, stepped inside, and asked, "How long would it take to fix my watch?"

"How should I know?" shrugged the baleboss. "I don't fix watches. I'm a mohel."

"But --in your window-- you have a clock!"

"So what would you put in the window?"


07/25/19 10:33 PM #4189    


David Buchholz

Another irrelevancy.  Jadyne and I just returned from a road trip through Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and back.  Wanting to see the North Rim of the Grand Canyon we found lodging in tiny remote Kanab, Utah.  What a surprise.  For those of us who watched TV in the fifties, Kanab was the place to be.

And if you're so inclined, please visit these, too...


07/26/19 06:31 AM #4190    


Paul Simons

Agreed Teedee. Like Edmund Burke said, to paraphrase, "All it will take for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing". He figured that out without even going to WHHS. And Dave - phenomenal photos. They remind me very strongly of the 5 years I lived in Tucson in the 1970's. Very similar mountain and desert terrain. The last time I was there maybe 10 years ago the mountain - Mt Lemmon, 9,500 feet, about 20 miles outside of town, was ON FIRE. Access denied. Roads closed. Smoke rising into the sky. So again - "If you see something, say something".


07/26/19 03:44 PM #4191    


Lee Max

Paul, you will be happy to know that Mt. Lemmon is green again. Summerhaven has been rebuilt (although the great pie shop is gone), and the ski area is fully operational.



07/26/19 07:35 PM #4192    


Paul Simons

Thanks for the info Lee, glad to hear it. Hiking around at the top of that hill (mountain) was one of the thrills of life. I wanted to take pictures of the wind-carved rock on the way up as well. It is one magical place. Question - are you familiar with Reddington Pass? At one time there were large pools you could swim in, water running down from snow melt filling them. When I was there it was bone dry. Anything like that today?

07/27/19 07:30 AM #4193    


Paul Simons

Time out - no matter which side you're on this is hilarious.




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