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05/09/22 07:21 PM #6019    


Helen Sayrs (Hurley)

My husband Tom, who taught at Walnut Hills until his retirement, and I went to the visitation for Dean Giacometti at Gilligan's Funeral Home in Kenwood today.  There was a very nice tribute by the American Legion Honor Guard.  Tom knew Mr. Giacometti after his retirement when they both worked at G.E Golf Course as retirement jobs.  I did not take a class for him, but it sounds like he was an excellent teacher.  I did not see any other WHHS grads there.

05/11/22 12:39 AM #6020    


Philip Spiess


Prologue:  Have you ever looked into the cauldron of an active volcano?  No, I haven’t been to Vesuvius nor have I climbed up the side of Popocatepetl (although I’ve been in Mexico City), but in the Caribbean, on the island of Saint Lucia, I looked down inside a mountain of burning embers and glowing ash.  Nevertheless, it did not compare with my visit, in the spring of 1961, to the Cincinnati City Dump and Central Incinerator in South Cumminsville.

Early Garbage Removal in Cincinnati:  In the early days of Cincinnati, as in the early days of almost every other American city, there was no such thing as garbage removal; when you were done with your banana peel, you flipped it over your shoulder into the street and heaven help where the next pedestrian might step (I won’t even mention the ubiquitous horses and what they left behind, but I once came up with a speech on the historic preservation of museum villages, such as Colonial Williamsburg, entitled “Cow Pies in the Village Street:  Stepping Into the Past”).  As I mentioned in Post #5595 (03-03-2021) on this Forum [“Mrs. Trollope in Cincinnati I”], in the late 1820s the Cincinnati streets were filled with scavengers – hogs!  Mrs. Trollope, reminiscing about her Cincinnati sojourn in her highly critical account Domestic Manners of the Americans (1832), grumbled that the city streets had no rubbish cart, “no pump, no cistern, no drain of any kind,” and, as a result, there was no way to dispose of garbage.  Everything was thrown into the middle of the street for consumption by hogs (Trichinosis, anyone?).  Dame Trollope continued:  “In truth, the pigs are constantly seen doing Herculean service in this way through every quarter of the city, and though it is not very agreeable to live surrounded by herds of these unsavoury animals, it is well they are so numerous, and so active in their capacity of  scavengers, for without them the streets would soon be choked up with all sorts of substances in every stage of decomposition.”  [It reminds me of Robert Benchley’s cartoon of two charwomen looking at a pile of stinking garbage and commenting, “Isn’t it offal?”]  Finally, in 1862, the Cincinnati City Council reported that: “About two years since, the City Council were seriously exorcised about the system then used in clearing streets, and they passed an ordinance compelling the occupants of houses to place their ashes and garbage in separate vessels, so that, during the summer months especially, they could be frequently removed.”  The garbage in question was pretty much organic food waste and therefore commercially valuable (think “compost”); citizens had to pay the city or private entrepreneurs to haul the garbage away.  The “ashes” were mostly mineral refuse and were either dumped into the river or into valleys and gullies around the city.  (The blood from the Deer Creek slaughterhouses on the eastern side of the city, along what is now Gilbert Avenue, was dumped into Deer Creek, giving it the name of “Bloody Run” [one of several so-named areas around the city].) 

Down In the Dumps:  But change (not necessarily for the better) was on its way; the winner of the 1866 bid to direct the Cincinnati Street Cleaning Department had to pay the city for the privilege of hauling away the garbage.  Colonel A. M. Robinson, appointed superintendent of streets, contracted with George Thompson to remove house offal and animal garbage.  By 1886, the Cincinnati Fertilizer Company had its sheds by the railroad tracks on the riverbank six miles west of the city; this company cleared the streets and manufactured the waste into fertilizer – at a significant profit.  By 1916 citizens were encouraged to utilize galvanized iron receptacles (i.e., trash cans) to “add materially to . . . preventing unhealthful conditions.”  But homeowners mixed up the types of garbage they put out and this detritus clogged the fertilizer factory, so such refuse had to be dumped elsewhere.  Again, this was in the ravines, bottom lands, and deserted areas, namely, everywhere; these dumps stunk and often caught on fire.  Given their smells, the presence of rats and other vermin, and their unsightly appearance, they were considered a general nuisance as a public health hazard.  So finally an official City Dump was established at Gest Street in the Mill Creek bottoms below Eighth Street (now called the Cincinnati Metropolitan Sewer District).  Later, a further City Dump (now called the Millcreek Sanitation Plant) was established further up the Mill Creek on its eastern bank west of Camp Washington, east of Millvale, and at the southern end of South Cumminsville.

The Excursion (no apologies to William Wordsworth):  In the Spring of 1961, my friends Jeffrey Rosen and Jonathan Marks and I were playing at my house in Clifton when my father, who had been cleaning out the basement and garage, asked if we wanted to accompany him to the City Dump.  Of course we did!  Traversing the bottom lands of the Mill Creek in South Cumminsville between Central Parkway and the Mill Creek, along what is called “Millcreek Road,” we crossed over great mounds of trash, broken bottles and other glass, miscellaneous bricks and furniture, abandoned household appliances and sinks, tubs, and toilets, wooden pallets, and who-knows-what else.  The unholy and fetid smells of rotting garbage were prevalent in the hot Spring air, and further afield, closer to the Mill Creek, were smoldering heaps of burning trash, sending up smoke and flickering flames in the daylight, but (as I later saw) at night glowing ominously like evil eyes watching in the valley at the foot of the western hills.  There were people there, too, those from the lower ends of society, combing over these heaps, looking, no doubt, for “treasures” – or at least something from which they could extract a little coin.  We paused for several minutes to join them, unable to resist the exhilarating and uninhibited thrill which comes from breaking large panes of glass or heaving a rusty brick through an old porcelain john.  We then proceeded on to our goal on the far side of Mill Creek, namely, the Central Municipal Incinerator.

The Great City Incinerator:  Incinerators came into the city comparatively late, being established by Cincinnati’s Charter government in the 1920s.  Later, four municipal solid waste incinerators were built by the federal government’s Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the mid-1930s.  [There were, for example, the Crookshank Incinerator in Covedale, just north and west of Western Hills High School, and the Madisonville Incinerator on Red Bank Road opposite Hetzell Avenue.]  Prior to that, the dumps described above were pretty much just set afire and the trash heaps allowed to smolder and burn.  The Central Incinerator (also called the “West Fork Incinerator,” because it was at the juncture of where the west fork of the Mill Creek runs into the Mill Creek proper, that is, the one in question here) was built, as I recall, in the mid-1950s, and was, to my knowledge, the most modern incinerator in Cincinnati at that time.  From the City Dump, one crossed the Mill Creek on the so-called Access Bridge and approached the ramp to the great dark and yawning entrance of the incinerator building itself.  Following the line of city garbage trucks ahead of us, we entered and came onto a broad, paved platform that extended the length of the incinerator building to the exit ramp at the other end.  On either side of this platform great pits dropped down forty feet or more to a floor below; into these pits the garbage trucks emptied their cargoes of largely organic garbage; we threw our trash down there as well.  Looking over the edge into the pits one saw a scene from Dante:  far below, a number of large manholes were open in the concrete floor; from these flames shot forth to a height of several feet, and dirty, sweating men with rakes were raking garbage into these circular infernos.  The heat for a Spring day was intense, and the overwhelming stench of the garbage, combined with the ash and smoke, was almost unbearable.  Then came the crane!  The pits on either side of the drive-in platform were backed up on their far side by great walls of concrete that rose almost to the height of the roof high overhead; they might as well have been the adamantine walls of Dis, they looked so impenetrable.  Where they were open at the top toward the roof, one could see that garbage was being burned in a pit on their other side, for periodically a giant clamshell crane would come over the top of the wall on ceiling-mounted rails and scoop up great mouthfuls of garbage from the pit on our side of the wall and take it back over the wall to drop it on the other side to be burned.  This Dantesque vision of the “Fiery Furnace” of Old Testament memory has obviously stuck with me over the years!  But, alas, it is no more!  Although the building still stands, closed and abandoned and fenced in, it ceased operation in 1976; its fellows around the city began shutting down and were mostly demolished starting in 1973.  The reason?  Federal air quality regulations were passed in 1971, and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) was established in 1972.   

Poetic Litterature:  Later in 1961, Jeffrey Rosen went to The Netherlands to study for a year, and from there he wrote me, reminiscing about our visit to the City Dump.  He put his nostalgia in poetic form, mimicking John Masefield’s poem “Sea Fever”:  “I must go down to the dumps again / Where I.Q.s are so high, / And all I ask is a garbage truck / And a smell to steer her by . . . .”  This, of course, provoked me into action; recognizing that here was a new sub-genre of literature, a whole field litterally, I promptly rattled off a series of parodies I later called Dumps:  A Poetic Tribute.  To give you just a taste (or perhaps an aroma), here is stanza 3 from my takeoff on Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Bells” (following its exact line, rhyme scheme, and meter), written when I was supposed to be studying for my midterm AP English exams with Miss Keegan at Walnut Hills (January, 1962) [best chanted aloud]:

           “See the dead furniture dumps –

            Awful dumps!

            Oh, what noble chair legs these, that now are turned to stumps!

            In the horror of decay,

            They are now all thrown away!

            Too far gone now to repair,

            They are now just lying there

            Out of use.

            In a mighty mass appealing to the mercy of the weather,

            In a maddened heap and jumble they are lying there together.

            Oh, this ruin, ruin, ruin,

            Oh, decay that comes too soo-on,

            And the misuse that destroys thus

            Is the Devil that employs us!

            For this treatment there is simply no excuse!

            Oh, the dumps, dumps, dumps!

            What a smell the garbage pumps

            Of decay!                              

            How beds, chairs, and tables thud

            As they’re thrown into the mud,

            And the stagnant pools send up a mighty spray!

            Yet the insects fully know,

            By the rotting

            And the clotting,

            They know just the place to go.

            Roaches, beetles, flies, and ticks,

            In the swarming,

            So alarming,

            Dance ‘mongst puddles, cans, and bricks,

            Or amongst the tangled wire, or amongst the trashy humps

            Of the dumps –

            Of the dumps, dumps, dumps, dumps,

            Dumps, dumps, dumps –

            ‘Mongst the utter gutter clutter of the dumps.”

            [Und so weiter.]

Where, Oh Where, Has My Little Dog Gone?:  Alas, the City Dump is no more, and when I went past the deserted City Incinerator in 2003 (my last visit to the city, at the time of my father’s death), the Central Incinerator stood vacant, dark, and cold, its great bulk fenced off from the nearby neighborhood of Millvale so that no straying youngster could fall into its Stygian gloom!  It indeed had gone to the dogs.  But wait!  It really had!  On June 19, 2014, John Peoples, of the Cincinnati Public Works Department, heard a dog barking and crying inside the incinerator when he came in to work.  He went into the deserted incinerator, looked down into the pit, and saw a puppy trapped down there.  Fire crews responded to a call and rescued the trapped puppy from the abandoned Central Incinerator, deciding thereby to name him “Smokey."

Rumpke’s Landfill:  But Cincinnati proper wasn’t the only Hamilton County municipality to produce garbage.  You may recall that a number of independent cities within Hamilton County are surrounded by the city of Cincinnati.  Thus St. Bernard, Norwood, Sharonville, Cheviot, and Arlington Heights were among the other municipalities which produced, and therefore needed to remove, their garbage.  And what happened to trash removal in Cincinnati after the EPA shut down the incinerators?  Eventually every municipality, Cincinnati included, signed a contract with a Carthage pig farmer [shades of Porkopolis?] named Bill “Sweet William” Rumpke.  He earned as much as $20,000 a month in the 1950s hauling garbage to his pig farm, where about 600 hogs ate up the refuse.  But, lo! such activity provoked the neighbors to take a “Not in My Back Yard” approach, and Rumpke’s garbage business moved to Colerain Township, where his garbage landfill created “Mount Rumpke,” now the tallest point in Hamilton County.  Rumpke Waste & Recycling (founded in 1932), still very much a going concern, is located at 3800 Struble Road in Colerain, just north of Bevis.  Here’s how it currently describes its “Sanitary Landfill”:  “All of Rumpke’s landfills are built in sections called ‘cells’, which are capped with a liner system similar to the one placed at the bottom of the landfill.  Once the final cap has been installed, the landfills are monitored for at least 30 years.  The bottom of the landfill features layers of gravel as well as intermittent leachate pipes designed to siphon leachate from the landfill and transfer it to a local water treatment facility.  On the outside, Rumpke partners with energy companies to capture landfill gas as natural gas.  Currently, our Rumpke Sanitary Landfill is the largest landfill gas-to-pipeline energy production facility in the world” [!].

The Mill Creek Greenway Trail:  So what has become of the land in South Cumminsville over which the City Dump of pungent memory was scattered?  In 1992, the Ohio Department of Health determined that fish from the Mill Creek were unsafe to eat, and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) recommended there be no body contact with the water (i.e., wading, swimming, or boating) because of high levels of untreated sewerage.  By 1995, the Mill Creek was so polluted that only worms survived in its waters, and any carp that ventured into Mill Creek from the Ohio River would throw themselves onto the banks and die.  By 1997, the national organization American Rivers called the Mill Creek the most endangered urban river in North America [remember the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, that used to catch fire?].  Thus the Mill Creek Restoration Project, now called Groundwork Cincinnati / Mill Creek, was founded to restore the Mill Creek to a habitable level.  Working with other national clean rivers groups, it received technical services as part of the Urban Waters Learning Network in 2010, and it became a Groundwork Trust in 2012.

Part and parcel of this restoration project of the Mill Creek itself is also the restoration of its banks, as part of the civic improvement of the neighborhoods that adjoin it.  As a result, thousands of trees have been planted, and derelict properties along almost five miles of the river (including the dump) have been turned into public greenspacestrails [see below], and edible forest gardens.  (What, you may ask, are “edible forest gardens”?  They are an ecological food producing system, structured as, and functioning like, a forest.  Low maintenance and largely self-supporting once established, they have layers of trees, shrubs, climbing vines, herbs, ground cover, and root crops.  Plants and fungi work together to cycle nutrients and control pests and diseases.)  Now the Freedom Tree Edible Forest Garden in Northside has pears and apples in autumn that you can pick and eat.  And because of the restoration of the Mill Creek waters and its banks, peregrine falcons have now been spotted in the area, as well as sparrows, waterfowl, including blue herons, black-crowned herons, and cattle egrets; further, turtles, lizards, salamanders, and beavers now inhabit the Mill Creek's waters.  It should also be noted that Groundwork Cincinnati has had over 39,000 Green Team youth in the Cincinnati Public Schools and other school districts in the Mill Creek watershed participate in its educational programming, using the Mill Creek as a living laboratory and working in ecological service projects.  [Note:  About two-thirds of the students are African-American and come from economically disadvantaged families who live along the waterway, so this has been a boon to the Millvale and South Cumminsville communities.]

In 2009, Groundwork Cincinnati began work on the city’s Mill Creek Greenway Trail.  This hike-and-bike trail will provide exercise and recreation for Mill Creek neighborhood residents and others.  Completed, the trail will extend 13.5 miles from the Hamilton County Fairgrounds in Carthage to the mouth of the Mill Creek.  From there it will connect with the Ohio River Trail in Lower Price Hill, ultimately connecting with the east-west Ohio River Trail at the Cincinnati Riverfront Park, as well as with the Lick Run Trail, the West Fork Mill Creek Trail, the Little Miami Scenic Trail, the Great Miami River Trail, the Riverfront Commons (Kentucky), the Licking River Greenway Trail (Kentucky), and the Whitewater Canal Trail (Indiana).  The Mill Creek Greenway Trail, extending from the Queen City shopping center at Mitchell Avenue (very eastern end of Winton Place) to the Mill Creek Road Access bridge (formerly the entrance to the City Incinerator) passes Salway Park and Spring Grove Cemetery, and includes the Space Walk, a 3/4 of a mile-long model of the Solar System; the Greenway Trail ends in Millvale at the intersection of Fricke Road and Beekman Street near the Ethel Taylor Academy.  So “Ave atque Vale” to the Cincinnati City Dump and Municipal Incinerator, as Nature returns once again in her best modes to Cincinnati’s Mill Creek after 220 years of industrial pestilence! 

05/24/22 02:06 PM #6021    


Paul Simons

What can possibly be said, after reading Senator Spiess' dissertation on the wonders of trash removal and disposal in our fair city, Porkopolis, the Queen City, that could shed any more light on the topic than his paragraphs and stanzas have already shed? The plain fact of the matter is that the only thing that differentiates the modern era from those previous is the very thing with which the worthy Senator has concerned himself. We've all seen the ornate pocket watches at the Taft Museum; we all know that radio and television are basically the same as they were decades ago, except with more and louder commercials; politicians are no less divided than they were at our nation's founding with some trying any manner of graft, deception, lying, cheating, stealing to prevent people from voting, and the other half trying to implement an actual democracy, at which they are still trying; and medical interventions sometimes working, and sometimes not; in a nutshell the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, EXCEPT IN THE REALM OF TRASH!! No longer do pigs roam the streets! Many, true, are in local, state, and national government, but NONE are in the trash compacting and recycling business! (Note - perhaps because organized crime, even more organized than they are, ran them out), We now have gleaming color-coded indestructible plastic containers into which we place our SEPARATED and CLASSIFIED beer cans, candy wrappers, murdered hookers so that Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler will have a fresh corpse to discover every week, barbeque rib bones, and obsolete cellphones. It all runs like clockwork!! 

Senator Spiess has named some names - Cumminsville. St. Bernard. Elmwood Place. The Mill Creek. Cheviot. The Spring Grove Cemetery. We at our illustrious Stately Domed (or doomed if Putin is that crazy) High School On the Hill were protected, coddled, we never knew the REAL CINCINNATI, which is still there waiting to be discovered, if only we can muster the strength to forsake the Camargo Country Club and get ourselves to Rumple's Landfill. To the landfill!! 

05/24/22 03:15 PM #6022    


Bruce Fette

I have been away from Cincy now for a long time. 

But I remember lots of toys, and bicycles and appliances being sent to the various disposal locations.

And there are also auto recycling centers. And I do remember getting the occasional replacement part from an auto recycling center. 

But here is the larger question. Aftter collecting metals,plasics, rubber, concrete and other items, over perhaps as long as 70 years, wouldn't it be feasible to mine these junk yards to recover the more valuable materials, rather than vast open pit mines to get fresh iron ore, glass, copper, gold, or silver?  If the junk yards were mined what percentage of the mountain could be reused?

This applies to every major urban area. While Cincy has Rumpke's, and Chicago has their own mountain (I dont remember its name), seems like all of the major cities could be mined for resources.  At this time, Phil and I and others live in the greater DC area (often called DMV), I suspect the cities here take junk out on barges and dump it in the ocean. That cant be good for the fish or for the cleanliness of the water. 

Anyone know about efforts in these domains?


05/24/22 05:08 PM #6023    


Paul Simons

Not to monopolize again but Bruce I'm sure you know about the gold used in electronics because it's a great conductor and doesn't tarnish. I think there's a whole industry stripping gold from printed circuit traces and semiconductor pins. I remember several hundred gold plated pins on each of the Intel microprocessors I used to buy back when we assembled our computers ourselves. And of course we know a lot of garbage finds its way from places like Texas, Georgia, South Carolina etc to your area, the District of Columbia, where it is causing some severe environmental problems. And I'm sure we've all seen the documentaries about the removal of the twisted, burned steel from the World Trade Center to Staten Island which might just qualify as a good place to start mining what has been considered trash for a century or so. Finally another documentary about what's called ship breaking - the dismantling of gigantic ships - in Pakistan, or maybe Bangladesh, a particularly dangerous and toxic job, almost as bad for those workers as enduring trash from the former Confederate states is for the good people of the beltway area.

05/26/22 01:01 AM #6024    


Philip Spiess

Bruce:  The garbage in Rumpke's landfill was, as I understand it, organic garbage, i.e., food wastes and the like. After all, originally it was his hogs that were eating it, just as in the days of yore.  As to non-organic materials, it's unclear to me where they went or go; as you say, here in the Washington area they probably end up in the ocean (where microbes, apparently, are eating the remains of the Titanic).

But you are onto something -- even if in another line than you suggest.  For a good number of years now, archaeologists and others have recognized the importance of digging into old trash heaps, waste lands, and privy pits.  There they find significant remains of past cultures -- pottery, glass, silverware, etc., as well as seeds (indicative of what food was grown and eaten), and -- if they're lucky -- coprolytes -- calcified or petrofied lumps of human and / or animal shit (pardon me, poop) which, when broken apart and analysed, give good evidence of agricultural patterns, nutrition, and diet.

So -- there's "gold" in them thar [garbage] hills!

06/07/22 08:54 AM #6025    

Jon Singer

I noted we are back on for a reunion. Great.  Those who have planned may have already determined the venue and are into the stage of final details.  If so, ignore the following thoughts.  Could we establish a brief period devoted to a thematic take off of our high school nuts- Peanuts, Walnuts.  I favor Sesame.  We could host the "Septuagenarian's Sez'Mes" at an appropriate location physically within Walnut or alternately, a suitable "art" venue.  In a modified Art Fair design, we set up both a display panel region and a stage. The intent would be to showcase our blossoming and/or declining creativity and talents. Collect in advance, then display photography, sculptor, jewelry, books, poetry etc. on panels/within booths in a region and on the stage do recitation, magic, stand-up, physical(if still active) talent, music, multiple 10 minute plays, etc. around the cohesive theme of having had a common adolescent origin. 

06/22/22 08:12 PM #6026    


Bruce Fette


Lets liven things up a little.  Who has big plans for July 4?

What are your plans? Where will you celebrate? 

Who is going somewhere to see family?

Who has family coming from somewhere else to make a family reunion?

What are you planning to fix - something particularly delicious and loved by the family?

Where do you plan to watch fireworks?

And what favorite music will be playing all day?

PS> July 4th is a Monday - so you also have a 3 day weekend!


06/23/22 12:07 PM #6027    


Dale Gieringer

 We live on a hill with a panoramic view of San Francisco Bay. When the weather is clear, dozens of fireworks displays are visible from the hillside.    So many people want to see them that police block off traffic to our hill, but they hike up instead.    My duty is to monitor the crowd and make sure that there's no hanky-panky, littering, rowdiness or firecrackers among them (firecrackers are an especially huge concern, given the dried-out grass on our hill and the extreme drought we've been having).    To tell the truth, the view can be disappointing, since the fireworks displays are far below and seem dwarfed by the surrounding setting.  To my relief, last year the bay was fogged in, putting a damper on both the fireworks and the crowd.  No telling what will happen this year.   In the meantime, we're off to the Kate Wolf Music Festival at Wavy Gravy's Hog Farm in Mendocino County, which is hosting its first in-person gathering in three years.   I am looking forward to our own in-person class reunion next year.   

     Fireworks from Panoramic Hill, July 4th 2020 

06/23/22 07:33 PM #6028    


Philip Spiess

The First Celebration of the 4th of July in Cincinnati:

Does anybody know how the 4th of July was celebrated for the first time in Cincinnati?  I don't.  I also wonder what Mrs. Trollope thought of the 4th of July.  (I don't know that either -- but I can guess!). And did you know that in the 1870s there was a fireworks factory up on Mount Adams?

06/24/22 09:04 AM #6029    


Laura Reid (Pease)

Phil, since you are in Cincy over the 4th, you should visit the Taft Museum; it has just reopened after a lengthy  renovation; we are also celebrating the 200th anniversary of the house.  Hope you can make time for a visit!!  Happy 4th to all!!

06/24/22 05:45 PM #6030    


Philip Spiess

Laura, actually I'm not in Cincinnati over the 4th, but when I do get back there I'll definitely visit the Taft.  I recently read articles about two older exhibits at the Taft, one on James Pressley Ball, the daguerreotypist, and the other on Hiram Powers, the sculptor, his family and career.

06/25/22 08:31 AM #6031    


Paul Simons

Kinda sad to be looking at an "Independence Day" holiday a couple of weeks after the Supreme Court majority has allowed states to condemn innocent women who have certain pregnancy complications to death. That's what they've done and our own inattention to what's been happening over the years has contributed to it. It isn't left or right or political at all. It's medical.

06/26/22 11:15 AM #6032    


Ann Shepard (Rueve)

I can't believe it's almost July 4 already. These months zoom by too quickly for my liking. May and June have been head spinning months of more activity that I am used to, with family and friend events, and opening Ann's Bed and Breakfast (lunch &dinner too) for visiting relatives. 
Locally, there are at least four fireworks displays near or in my village, the closest a half mile away, that I am NOT looking forward to. If you're a dog owner, you know how much stress those sounds create for out fur babies. Chief's first home was close to the police firing range, and he was sensitized to loud sounds as a pup. Although he doesn't cower in fear the way his sister, the late Chloe-dog, did, he barks constantly, as if he is protecting our home from an intruder. Unfortunately, Chief will be bombarded both Sunday and Monday evenings. 

06/26/22 12:51 PM #6033    


Bruce Fette


We can relate here. We live approximaely 5 miles from the DC fireworks that you may be watching on TV Monday (in 1 week). They launch these fireworks just behind the Lincoln Monument.  And 5 miles away our Austrailian Kelpie (she is the brown one you see when you google Australian Kelpie) hears them and hides in her kennel, or barks at the window, shivers, runs in circles between all of these, or combinations of these.

So you know she hears lower fequencies that we humans dont neccessarily hear.  I know she hears higher frequencies too. Just krinkle a paper and there she is. 

There are many other conversations I would like to start with the brilliant members of our WHHS class, but alas... I know we could identify approaches to address some of the import issues of our country and of the  world.  "We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect union, estalish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and provide for common defense......"

Lets see, ..., in 1964 the music was about love. So for now, I enjoy the 50s and 60s music in XM radio in the car. Perhaps the right kind of music is a great start.


06/27/22 10:22 AM #6034    


Ann Shepard (Rueve)

It's fascinating how dogs can pick up certain frequencies. Chief also reacts to the sounds of motor vehicles too. He can hear the rumble of UPS and FedX vans when they pull on my street. When we are out on walks, I avoid busy streets because he barks at certain, but not all vehicles. You'd think he wouldn't react to some quieter engines, but my neighbor's Prius is an "offender" but loud old clunkers driving by don't seem to bother him as much. 
The afore mentioned Chloe-dog, also a rescue, was so terrified of fireworks, that my vet gave her medication to give her in anticipation of fireworks. Never worked. She would pant and salivate, pace around and shake to the point she looked like she was having a heart attack. The only thing I found that worked for her was a ThunderShirt (a tight swaddler type garment). Wearing that, she was able to calm down enough to go hide somewhere during fireworks and thunderstorms. 
I am so fond of 60s and 70s music. I listen Sirius channel 49 Soul Town: Classic Soul and Motown. 
Below is the late Chloe-dog in her ThunderShirt and diaper (the sound literally scared the s##t out of her). She has been free from fear since she went to the Rainbow Bridge in 2014. 

06/27/22 06:58 PM #6035    


Philip Spiess

Okay, Ann, you've confirmed for me that our dog is a normal dog and not just a crazed puppy.  He goes wild barking and running from window to window when he hears either the Amazon truck, the UPS truck, the FedEx truck, or the Postal Service truck coming up the street (whether it stops at our house or not).  He also goes ecstatic when he hears our son Philip's van coming into the neighborhood.  (Philip was the dog Haligan's original owner; we inherited him when Philip went to work full time.)

So dogs must have pretty astute, as well as acute, hearing -- just like their sense of smell, eh?

06/28/22 08:37 AM #6036    

Paul Youngs

You guys might want to check out Ed Yong's new book called An Immense World. It's all about how different critters make sense of their world, to include dogs- the uniqueness of each "species" way as well as the limitations. Best to all.

06/29/22 11:08 PM #6037    


Ann Shepard (Rueve)

This is copied from a friend's post on FACEBOOK:
Every year, the days leading up to and following the 4th of July, shelters everywhere fill up with animals frightened by fireworks. While I honestly wish fireworks were never used, that's something that will never happen.
Currently, many shelters are at maximum capacity and there's no room to house anymore animals.  While some shelters claim to be  "no kill", don't be fooled, EVERY shelter has to make difficult decisions.
Please....beginning July 1st, put a phone number on your pet.  You don't have to spend any money.  Grab some tape duct tape works great and a sharpie or a ink pen and make the minimal effort to keep your pet from ending up at a shelter. Even if you think there's no way they can or will escape your property, just do it.
If you love your pet(s) it's your job to protect them.
Finding a stray animal with a phone number makes it SO SIMPLE to reunite them with their owner.
Let's make a difference this holiday and keep animals from ending up at the shelter.
P.S. Please spay/neuter your pets. We are drowning in homeless pets. 

06/29/22 11:20 PM #6038    


Philip Spiess

Our lovable dog (technically our son's) is neutered, and has a chip implanted.  (He is also a real communicator.) 

07/02/22 10:59 AM #6039    


David Buchholz

On another subject.  I broke my ankle last April and had to wear the dreaded "boot" for six weeks.  My kind neighbor gave me suet and a little cage that I suspended from an oak tree.  Being me, I set up a camera on a tripod and watched as local East Bay birds discovered the suet.  I tried to trip the shutter as they were either flying in or out, a challenge to record them with an acceptable sharpness.  These are some of the results.  The red tailed hawks, turkey vultures, and doves (bottom feeders) are excluded.  I miss many of the colorful birds that hang out in and around Cincinnati—the cardinals, robins, goldfinches.  If you click on the link stay tuned to the ultimate in bird watching—a fight to the end between two rival Steller's Jays.

And here's the link...

and if you're really into are a bunch more.


07/03/22 09:19 PM #6040    


Paul Simons

Happy 4th of July from The Sandbar!!

07/03/22 10:48 PM #6041    


Philip Spiess

Speaking of bars, sand or otherwise, I plan to spend the 4th with a 5th.

07/04/22 06:48 AM #6042    


Paul Simons

"A four on the floor and a fifth on the seat"

But let's have a SAFE HOLIDAY kids!

07/04/22 08:50 AM #6043    


Bruce Bittmann

And, remember, he who goes forth with a fifth on the forth may not come forth on the fifth.

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